Designed for adults already committed to producing a novel and serious about getting published, my one-to-one, online tutoring programme offers in-depth, constructive and specific feedback on your fiction writing.
My response to your work is based on my own understanding of the craft of novel-writing and my experience as the author of over thirty books.

Everyone begins with a one hour, one-off, one-to-one,
online session.
We'll discuss your novel writing ambitions and how you can best achieve these within the context of a wider conversation about your creative writing: What are you working on? What are you hoping to achieve? What are the challenges?
I'll also offer verbal feedback on a sample of your writing, up to 2,500 words in length. This should be emailed as a Word doc, double-spaced, at least 24 hours before the start of the session. If you would like to submit a plan or synopsis as part of your 2,500-word submission, you are welcome to do so.
I'll provide in-depth, verbal feedback on your submission during the session. This will focus on the strengths of your writing as well as suggested areas on which to work. Elements such as characterisation, point of view, dialogue, descriptive writing, clarity, impact, tension and structure will be covered, along with many others.
Once we've agreed a meeting date, I'll email you an invoice. This should be paid before the session. The cost for a one-off, one hour initial session is £89.
Sessions are available for over-18s only.
You may alter the date of your session, provided you give 24 hours' notice. All sessions must be taken within five months of the originally agreed start date. Please note that the fee for your session is non refundable. If I have to cancel, I will offer you the choice of rearranging or a full refund for that session.
If you'd like to apply for an initial one-to-one session,
please email me via the APPLY button below. It may take a week or so
for me to reply. Your email should include the following:
A line or two on the novel you are writing. I am NOT asking for a formal summary or synopsis, just an idea of the general subject matter (eg thriller/romance/historical adventure) and likely readership (eg adults/younger children/teens.)
Any creative writing courses you've attended and any professional writing experience (eg academic/corporate/journalistic) you have.
Why you are interested in having tutoring sessions. (There's no right or wrong answer to this!)
A short sample from your work-in-progress. (No more than 500 words, saved in a Word doc.) Please note I will NOT be able to give you feedback on this sample.
After the initial session you'll be in a good position to decide whether or not you'd like to sign up for a full block of sessions.
Blocks are designed for people who are writing regularly and looking for in-depth feedback on their novel as it progresses.
50-minute, fortnightly sessions in blocks of six
for writers with a work-in-progress
These 50-minute, fortnightly sessions are organised in blocks of six that run through each of the three school terms, with breaks over the holidays.
You'll be able to submit up to 2,500 words for each session. During the session, we'll discuss your work. You'll be free to raise any issues you're having and I will offer constructive, in-depth verbal feedback on your writing.
At the end of each block, you are free to decide whether or not to continue.
The fee for all six sessions is payable at the start of each block.
All sessions must be taken within five months of the originally agreed start date.
All other terms as per the initial session, step one, above.
My standard rate is £60 per 50-minute session.
about SOPHIE
I’ve published over 30 novels, including best-selling teen thrillers Girl, Missing and Blood Ties, both of which won the Red House Children's Book Award, the leading national UK prize voted for by children themselves.
My work ranges from short books for younger readers to psychological thrillers for adult readers, including Richard & Judy book club bestseller Close My Eyes.
My recent teen thrillers include Truth or Dare and Secret Sister, as well as Storm of Lies, about a tsunami hitting the south coast of England. I'm currently working on a new teen series and have two new standalone thrillers for adults, Anything For You and Burn This, out in 2025.
In addition to my writing I’m an experienced creative writing tutor. I teach at the well-respected City Literary Institute in central London and have worked with clients privately for over ten years.
I've also worked as a journalist, a freelance copywriter and a screenwriter for a TV production company. I have a grown-up son, and live with my husband in north London. I hate rats, love baking and I'm passionate about stories.
You can find out more about me and my books at
Is this a creative writing course?
No. Although my feedback is specific and focuses on particular elements of writing craft, writing techniques are not taught in any formal way. If after our initial session I think there are elements of craft that I'd recommend you focusing on, I'll probably suggest you take a more formal writing class, then come back for regular sessions with me afterwards.
I have an idea for a novel and I've started writing but I'm not sure where I'm going. Would your initial, 'step one' session suit me?
Yes! The initial session is a great place for those who have started writing their novel and are looking to explore their options going forward.
How will I know if I'm ready for block sessions?
Block sessions are designed for writers committed to a work-in-progress, able to make time for regular writing and open to receiving feedback on their novel.
What platform are the sessions held on?
All sessions are held on Zoom, a free app which is easily available for download onto your PC or Mac.
How do I find out more?
You can email me for more info on

Make sure you have a compelling story to tell. Establish a strong, clear goal or need for your main character, then throw lots of obstacles in the way of them achieving it.
Make sure the stakes are high. Ask yourself: What will happen if my main character doesn't get what they want/need? Will anyone care?
Create strong, memorable characters. Start with a focus on two or three personality traits. Counterintuitively, this will help you build a more authentic individual than trying to show every single shade of grey.
Be clear. Sounds basic and it is, though it's surprising how often what seems obvious to a writer can cause confusion in their reader. Remember if people don't understand what you've written they'll soon lose interest.
Conflict is your leads to drama and is a great opportunity to reveal character. Build tension into every scene.
Ask yourself if each twist and turn of your plot is both unexpected (a predictable story is a boring story) and yet credible and convincing.
Show don't tell. It's usually much more effective to show the people, places and events in your story than to report or summarise them. Write 'in the moment'.
Use all the senses - write about how things feel, smell, sound and taste as well as how they look.
Be specific. whether you're trying to describe a person, a place or a feeling, it's the details that bring a story alive.
Be prepared to make changes to your first draft. everyone has to revise their work. Writing is mostly rewriting!